James Fenimore Cooper

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Related Interests Include this Timeline of his life...
James Fenimore Cooper
1789 Born 15 September
1803 Enrols at Yale
1808 Serves in Navy
1809 Father dies
1811 Marries Susan De Lancey; settles in New Rochelle, NY; daughter Elizabeth born
1813 Daughter Elizabeth dies, daughter Susan born
1815 Daughter Caroline born
1817 Daughter Anne born
1818 Builds house in Scarsdale, NY; mother dies
1819 Daughter Maria born
1820 Precaution published
1821 Son Fenimore born, The Spy published
1822 Moves to New York City; founds Bread and Cheese club
1823 The Pioneers published, son Fenimore dies
1824 The Pilot published, son Paul born
1825 Lionel Lincoln published
1826 The Last of the Mohicans published, travels to France - serves as U.S. Consul for Lyons, France
1827 The Prairie and The Red Rover published
1828 Notions of the Americans published
1829 Lives in Italy and France
1831 The Bravo published
1832 The Heidenmauer and The Headsman published
1833 Returns to United States
1835 The Monikins published
1836 Sketches of Switzerland published
1838 The American Democrat, Chronicles of Cooperstown, Homeward Bound, and Home As Found published
1839 History of the Navy of the United States of America published
1840 The Pathfinder published
1841 The Deerslayer published
1842 The Two Admirals and The Wing-and-Wing published
1843 The Battle of Lake Erie, Wyandotte, and Ned Myers, or a Life Before the Mast published
1844 Afloat and Ashore and Miles Wallingford published
1845 Satanstoe and The Chainbearer published
1846 The Redskins, The Lives of Distinguished Naval Officers, and Jack Tier published
1847 The Crater published
1848 The Oak Openings; or the Bee Hunter published
1849 The Sea Lions published
1850 The Ways of the Hour published
1851 Dies 14 September

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